Paper Submission Guidelines
Prospective authors are kindly invited to submit full text papers including results, tables, figures and references. Full text papers (.pdf, .doc) will be accepted via iConference submission system below: or through email:
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. A submission implies willingness by the authors to register and present their work if the paper is accepted for presentation at the conference.
Full Papers (between 8 and 12 pages) will be reviewed for acceptance in one or more of the following topics, typically involving some aspect of information, data or sensor fusion. Submitted papers must be formatted according to the Conference template (A4 or Letter Size Paper), provided by ICISM at Word Template, to be considered for acceptance and publication.
Author guidelines
A1 – Authors must submit their own original work only.
A2 – Authors must not omit the main references done by others and related to their works.
A3 – Authors must follow typesetting guidelines (templates) of the ICISM conference (Word Template).
A4 – Authors must agree with copyright agreement, once the paper is accepted for presentation.
A5 – Authors must employ professional language and they must avoid excessive verbosity that would dilute the technical clarity.
The submission of the review manuscript consists of a unique file, in PDF format. Submitted papers MUST be formatted according to the conference template (A4 or Letter Size Paper). Templates and other supporting files for various types of operating systems can be downloaded using the following link:
Word Template
Papers that are not correctly formatted will be desk-rejected.
Please ensure that all guidance text is removed from your conference paper before submission to the conference. Failure to remove template text from your paper may result in your paper not being published.
Submission of Final Manuscripts
After receiving your paper acceptance notification, follow the steps below to ensure the proper final submission of your paper and inclusion in the conference proceedings. Detailed instructions can be found below the process steps.
- Review the paper (8-12 pages) to ensure it meets the correct conference template (see above).
- Register for the conference by the deadline AND provide the required information in the registration form.
- Complete the payment as required.
- Upload your Final Paper Manuscript before the registration deadline
Presentation Instructions
One of the co-authors must register for the conference at the regular or student rate by registation deadline and present the paper on-site at the conference in Cape Town or on-line by Zoom for it to be included in ICISM 2025 proceedings:
– Each paper will be allocated 12 minutes for its presentation, which will be followed by 3 minutes for questions;
– Each room has a computer with MS PowerPoint and Acrobat Reader;
– The final conference programme and full room allocations and scheduling details will be available by mid-April.